Documentation and Usage¶
To use ritpytrading in a project:
import ritpytrading
Documentation for each sub-package inside ritpytrading¶
Getting Started¶
The requests
library must be imported at the begininng for each
session. Then the proper RIT REST API key must be set in a python
dictionary. The base URL should also be set to the localhost.
import requests
import ritpytrading
API_KEY = {'X-API-key': 'TY0Y1KE9'} # use your RIT API key here
host_url = 'http://localhost:9999' # Make sure the RIT client uses the same port
base_path = '/v1'
base_url = host_url + base_path
Then each ritpytrading library package call must be done inside a Session context handler as follows:
with requests.Session() as ses:
ses.headers.update(API_KEY) # set the API key for the session
current_case = # create a CASE object as an example
Note: All JSON formats for the objects created by each of the following modules are provided here.
assets.asset(ses, ticker_symbol)
Creates single assets objects, list or dictionary of asset objects. Full
assets object
JSON format here.
Import with:
from ritpytrading import assets
with requests.Session() as ses:
To create a single asset object:
apple_asset = assets.asset(ses, 'AAPL') print(apple_asset.start_period) # prints the APPL asset start period
To create a dictionary of asset objects with the ticker symbol as keys: (Assuming
assets exist in the current RIT server session):asset_dict = assets.assets_dict(ses) print(asset_dict) # prints a dict of all avialable assets print(asset_dict['AAPL'].start_period) # prints the APPL asset start period print(asset_dict['HOG'].start_period) # prints the HOG asset start period
To create a python list of asset objects: (Assuming the first and second assets exits in the current RIT server session):
asset_list = assets.assets_list(ses) print(asset_list) # prints a list of all avialable assets print(asset_list[0].start_period) # prints the first asset start period print(asset_list[1].start_period) # prints the second asset start period
cases¶, cases.case_json(ses
Creates case and case_limit objects and checks if the current case has case limits. Full cases object JSON format here.
Import with:
from ritpytrading import cases
with requests.Session() as ses:
To create a case object of the given trading session:
current_case = print( # prints name of current case
To create a case JSON object of the given trading session:
current_case_json = cases.case_json(ses) print(current_case_json['name']) # prints name of current case
To check if there is enforcement of the trading limits:
hasTradeLim = cases.trade_lim_enforce_chk(ses) # returns a boolean
To create a case limits object of the given trading session: (Given that a trading limit exists in the first place)
current_case_limit = cases.case_limits(ses) print(current_case_limit.gross_limit) # prints the gross limit for the current case
To create a case limits JSON object of the given trading session: (Given that a trading limit exists in the first place)
current_case_limit_json = cases.case_limits_json(ses) print(current_case_limit[0]['gross_limit']) # prints the gross limit for the current case
news.news_dict(ses, since_id=None, limit_itm=None)
news.news_json(ses, since_id=None, limit_itm=None)
# since = Retrieves only news items after a particular news id.
# limit = Result set limit, counts backwards from the most recent news item.
# Defaults to 20.
Creates a python dictionary or a list of json objects of the all the news events in the given trading session. Full news object JSON available here.
Import with:
from ritpytrading import news
with requests.Session() as ses:
To create a dictionary of news objects with the news_ids as the dictionary keys:
all_news_dict = news.news_dict(ses) print(all_news_dict) # prints all the news objects repr by their ids print(all_news_dict['24']) # prints the id number and headline of the news object with id 24
To create a list of json news objects:
all_news_list = news.news_json(ses) print(all_news_list[0]['news_id']) # prints the news id of the 0th element in the list of json objects
orders.order(ses, orderId, status='OPEN')
orders.orders_json(ses, status='OPEN')
orders.orders_dict(ses, status='OPEN')
# status can be OPEN, TRANSACTED or CLOSED
# status OPEN by default
Creates a submitted OPEN/CLOSED order object given its orderID. Creates a dictionary or a list of JSON objects of all OPEN/CLOSED orders. Full orders object JSON available here.
Import with:
from ritpytrading import orders
with requests.Session() as ses:
To create an OPEN/CLOSED order object given its orderID:
order_1 = orders.order(ses, orderID, 'OPEN') print(order_1.quantity) # prints quantity of order with ID orderID
To create a list of all JSON formatted order objects in the given session:
all_orders_json = orders.orders_json(ses, 'CLOSED') print(all_orders_json[0]) # prints qty, price, order id information of the first closed order in this session
To create a dictionary of all order objects with the order ids as keys in the given session:
all_orders_dict = orders.orders_dict(ses, 'OPEN') print(all_orders_dict[orderID]) # prints qty, price, order id information of the order with ID orderID in this session
get_security_info(ses, ticker_sym, side, param)
get_best_bid(ses, ticker_sym)
get_best_ask(ses, ticker_sym)
get_bbo(ses, ticker_sym)
get_all_bids(ses, ticker_sym)
get_all_asks(ses, ticker_sym)
get_all_bids_asks(ses, ticker_sym)
# All responses will be JSON objects or list of JSON objects as provided [here](#securities_book-object).
Gets the bets bid, ask prices and creates bid/ask price objects. Full securities_book object JSON available here.
Import with:
from ritpytrading import securities_book
with requests.Session() as ses:
To get information (i.e. quantity, price, status) on a particular security.
side = bids / asks
All possible values for the
parameter are listed in the JSON information list for securities_book here. i.e. param = “trader_id”# returns the quantity filled of AAPL asset on the buy/bid side apple_info = securities_book.get_security_info(ses, "AAPL", "bids", "quantity_filled")
To get the best bid price on a security given the ticker symbol:
best_bid_aapl = securities_book.get_best_bid(ses, 'AAPL') print(best_bid_aapl['vwap']) # prints vwap of AAPL's best bid
To get the best ask price on a security given the ticker symbol:
best_ask_aapl = securities_book.get_best_ask(ses, 'AAPL') print(best_ask_aapl['quantity']) # prints the quantity being offered to be sold for APPL's best ask
To get the best bid and ask price in dict format for given the ticker symbol:
hog_bbo = securities_book.get_bbo(ses, 'HOG') print(hog_bbo['best_bid']['quantity']) # prints the quantity of the HOG best bid print(hog_bbo['best_ask']['quantity_filled']) # prints the filled quantiy of the HOG best ask
To get all the bid objects as a list of JSON objects for a security given the ticker symbol: (Note;
all_aapl_bids = securities_book.get_all_bids(ses, 'AAPL') print(all_aapl_bids[0]['quantiy']) # prints the quantity of the 0th AAPL bid in the bid list
To get all the ask objects as a list of JSON objects for a security given the ticker symbol:
all_aapl_asks = securities_book.get_all_asks(ses, 'AAPL') print(all_aapl_asks[0]['quantiy']) # prints the quantity of the 0th AAPL ask in the ask list
To get all the bid and ask objects as a JSON format present here, given the ticker symbol:
all_aapl_bid_ask = securities_book.get_all_bids_asks(ses, 'AAPL') print(all_aapl_bid_ask['bids'][0]['type']) # prints the type(LIMIT/MARKET) of the 0th bid order in the bids list for AAPL print(all_aapl_bid_ask['asks'][1]['price']) # prints the price of the 1st ask order in the asks list for AAPL
security_history_dict(ses, ticker_sym, period_numb=None, lim_numb=None)
security_history_json(ses, ticker_sym, period_numb=None, lim_numb=None)
# period_num is the period to retrive data from. Defaults to current period.
# lim_num = Result set limit, counting backwards from the most recent tick. Defaults to retrieving the entire period.
Creates a dictionary of security history objects or a list of JSON security history objects. Full securities_history object JSON available here.
Import with:
from ritpytrading import securities_history
with requests.Session() as ses:
To create a dictionary of security history objects with the security
as their keys.aapl_hist_dict = securities_history.security_history_dict(ses, 'AAPL') print(aapl_hist_dict['22'].open) # prints the open price for the APPL security at the time tick 22
To create a list fo JSON security history objects
aapl_hist_json_list =securities_history.security_history_json(ses, 'AAPL') print(aapl_hist_json_list[0]['close']) # prints the close price for the 0th AAPL security history object
security_dict(ses, ticker_sym=None) # By default no specific ticker_sym is None returns the list of available securities as a dict of security objects with ticker name as keys
security_json(ses, ticker_sym=None) # returns the list of available securities with all info in a json format
Creates a dictionary of security objects or a list of JSON security objects. Full securities object JSON available here.
Import with:
from ritpytrading import securities
with requests.Session() as ses:
To create a security object if the ticker symbol is given or return a dict with all the available securities with the ticker symbol as the keys:
aapl_sec_dict = securities.security_dict(ses, 'AAPL') # returns the AAPL security object all_sec_dict = securities.security_dict(ses) # returns a dict of all security objects print(aapl_sec_dict.currency) # prints currency of AAPL security in given session print(all_sec_dict['HOG'].total_volume) # prints total trading volume of HOG security given that it is present in the given server session
To create a list of security objects in a JSON format as given here.
aapl_sec_json = security_json(ses, ticker_sym='AAPL') # returns a JSON AAPL security object all_sec_json = security_json(ses) # returns all securities as a list of JSON objects print(aapl_sec_json['ask_size']) # prints the ask_size of AAPL security in given session print(all_sec_json[0]['total_volume']) # prints the total volume of the 0th security in the security json list in the given session
market_order(ses, ticker, side, quantity)
limit_order(ses, ticker, side, quantity, price)
cancel_order(ses, order_id)
cancel_order_bulk(ses, price_direc, price_lim, volume_direc, volume_lim, all_flag=0)
Creates a market or a limit order given the ticker, side, quantity and/or price. Cancels an order given the orderID. Cancels orders in bulk.
For function call cancel_order_bulk(...)
: Volume < 0 for cancelling
all open sell orders and Volume > 0 for cancelling all open buy orders.
Query example ‘Price < 20.0 AND Volume > 0’ equivalent to
submit_cancel_orders.cancel_order_bulk(ses, '<', 20.0, '>', 0)
Import with:
from ritpytrading import submit_cancel_orders
with requests.Session() as ses:
To make a market_order:
submit_cancel_orders.market_order(ses, 'AAPL', 'BUY', 400) # market order for buying 400 AAPL shares submit_cancel_orders.market_order(ses, 'HOG', 'SELL', 300) # market order for selling 300 HOG shares
To make a limit_order:
submit_cancel_orders.limit_order(ses, 'GOOGL', 'BUY', 500, 900) # limit order for buying 500 GOOGL shares limit 900 per share submit_cancel_orders.limit_order(ses, 'GOOGL', 'SELL', 200, 1000) # limit order for selling 200 GOOGL shares limit 1000 per share
To cancel a given order:
submit_cancel_orders.cancel_order(ses, '6') # Cancel the order with ID 6
To cancel orders in bulk:
# cancel_order_bulk(ses, price_direc, price_lim, volume_direc, volume_lim, all_flag=0) # if all_flag = 1 then all open orders are cancelled # set all_flag = 0 to cancel only select orders # By default all_flag is set to 0 # Volume < 0 for cancelling all open sell orders and Volume > 0 # for cancelling all open buy orders # Query generation example 'Price < 20.0 AND Volume > 0' submit_cancel_orders.cancel_order_bulk(ses, '<', 20.0, '>', 0) # cancel all orders less than 20.0 in price and greater than 0 in volume submit_cancel_orders.cancel_all_open_orders(ses) # cancels all open orders
is_tender_fixed_bid(ses, tender_iden)
accept_tender(ses, tender_iden, price_tender=None)
decline_tender(ses, tender_iden)
Creates a dictionary of Tender objects or a list of JSON Tender objects. Can call functions to accept or decline tenders based on the tender ID. Full tenders object JSON available here.
Import with:
from ritpytrading import tenders
with requests.Session() as ses:
To create a dictionary of Tender objects with the Tender IDs as the keys in the current session:
cur_tender_dict = tenders.tenders_dict(ses) print(cur_tender_dict['5'].caption) # prints the caption of the Tender with Tender ID 5
To create a list of JSON formatted tender objects in the current session:
cur_tender_json = tenders.tenders_json(ses) print(cur_tender_json[0]['price']) # gets the price of the 0th Tender in the Tender list
To check if a Tender is fixed bid given its Tender ID:
is_5_fixed = tenders.is_tender_fixed_bid(ses, '5') # Checks if the tender with ID 5 is fixed bid
To accept a Tender with its Tender ID: (If the Tender is not fixed bid, a price_tender must be specified)
tenders.accept_tender(ses, '5') if is_5_fixed else print("Tender is not fixed bid") # accept the tender with ID 5 given the Tender is fixed bid tenders.accept_tender(ses, '7', 5000) # attempt to accept the tender with ID 7 with a bid of 5000
To decline a Tender with its Tender ID
tenders.decline_tender(ses, '3') # decline the tender with ID 3
Creates a Trader object. Full traders object JSON available here.
Import with:
from ritpytrading import traders
with requests.Session() as ses:
To create the trader object for the current session:
cur_trader = traders.trader(ses) print(cur_trader.trader_id) # prints the trader id of the current trader
All JSON formats¶
assets object
Asset object return value: JSON formatted
"ticker": "string",
"type": "CONTAINER",
"description": "string",
"total_quantity": 0,
"available_quantity": 0,
"lease_price": 0,
"convert_from": [
"ticker": "string",
"quantity": 0
"convert_to": [
"ticker": "string",
"quantity": 0
"containment": {
"ticker": "string",
"quantity": 0
"ticks_per_conversion": 0,
"ticks_per_lease": 0,
"is_available": true,
"start_period": 0,
"stop_period": 0
cases object
Case object return value: JSON formatted
"name": "string",
"period": 0,
"tick": 0,
"ticks_per_period": 0,
"total_periods": 0,
"status": "ACTIVE",
"is_enforce_trading_limits": True
Limits object return values: JSON formatted
Returned as a list containing a JSON object
"name": "string",
"gross": 0,
"net": 0,
"gross_limit": 0,
"net_limit": 0,
"gross_fine": 0,
"net_fine": 0
news object
Sample JSON output formats for the function returns
News object return value: JSON formatted
"news_id": 0,
"period": 0,
"tick": 0,
"ticker": "string",
"headline": "string",
"body": "string"
orders object
Order object return value: JSON formatted
param possible order attributes: JSON formatted
i.e. get_order_response( ses, url_end, param="order_id" )
"order_id": 1221,
"period": 1,
"tick": 10,
"trader_id": "trader49",
"ticker": "CRZY",
"type": "LIMIT",
"quantity": 100,
"action": "BUY",
"price": 14.21,
"quantity_filled": 10,
"vwap": 14.21,
"status": "OPEN"
securities_book object
securities_book object attribute values: JSON formatted
"bids": [
"order_id": 1221,
"period": 1,
"tick": 10,
"trader_id": "trader49",
"ticker": "CRZY",
"type": "LIMIT",
"quantity": 100,
"action": "BUY",
"price": 14.21,
"quantity_filled": 10,
"vwap": 14.21,
"status": "OPEN"
"asks": [
"order_id": 1221,
"period": 1,
"tick": 10,
"trader_id": "trader49",
"ticker": "CRZY",
"type": "LIMIT",
"quantity": 100,
"action": "BUY",
"price": 14.21,
"quantity_filled": 10,
"vwap": 14.21,
"status": "OPEN"
securities_history object
securities_history object attribute values: JSON formatted
"tick": 11,
"open": 4.12,
"high": 4.21,
"low": 4.1,
"close": 4.15
securities object
securities object attribute values: JSON formatted
"ticker": "string",
"type": "SPOT",
"size": 0,
"position": 0,
"vwap": 0,
"nlv": 0,
"last": 0,
"bid": 0,
"bid_size": 0,
"ask": 0,
"ask_size": 0,
"volume": 0,
"unrealized": 0,
"realized": 0,
"currency": "string",
"total_volume": 0,
"limits": [
"name": "string",
"units": 0
"interest_rate": 0,
"is_tradeable": true,
"is_shortable": true,
"start_period": 0,
"stop_period": 0
submit_cancel_orders object
No JSON format present
tenders object
Tender object return value: JSON formatted
"tender_id": 0,
"period": 0,
"tick": 0,
"expires": 0,
"caption": "string",
"quantity": 0,
"action": "BUY",
"is_fixed_bid": true,
"price": 0
traders object
trader object return value: JSON formatted
"trader_id": "string",
"first_name": "string",
"last_name": "string",
"nlv": 0